Recently I had a pretty bad scare with my doggie Sniffle's health. She woke up one morning and couldn't walk. Quite a contrast from her regularly rambunctious nature. It was a shock for both of us. But I put one foot in front of the other (even though she couldn't) and just did what had to be done (vet, tests, meds, massage, prayer, etc.). Luckily, the treatment worked and we're seeing progress (breathing resumes).
Situations like this serve as a reminder for me to just be thankful. No matter what a day brings, I want to be able to take a moment to acknowledge how much gratitude I feel in my heart for all that I have in that very moment. It just so happens that the day before the above-mentioned morning, I sat with Sniffle outside on an unlikely warm and beautiful Catskill day and snapped a picture of her and the sun to just take it all in. I was so appreciative of her beautiful energy and presence. The next day as I was rushing her to the vet and looking in my rear view mirror to check if she was still breathing, I had a clear memory of the moment I documented with that photo and thought to myself that "if this is it, I know I savored our love, and I'm ready for whatever the Universe leads us to next." It was a comforting thought to know that I did the best I could, and appreciated every moment of it, which gave me a sense of peace to just do what I needed to next to help her through this. It was a learning indeed.
So now I'm in this process of thanking God for helping her through this. Words always seem to fail me when it comes to expressing gratitude for a life saved. So I turned to my art journal and just started a scrolling spiral of thank you's in a meditative manner. It took me deeply within to that place where my heart feels like a warm brownie with almond milk. :) It's not the first time I've turned to art to express this deep emotion, and decided that I wanted to share a few examples of pieces that creatively flowed out of me in times of need. Pictured below are gratitude for puppy's health, gratitude for safety after Hurricane Irene and lastly gratitude for a frozen plumbing issue getting fixed ("by itself").
If you've got any art and gratitude experiences, I'm all ears. You can leave a comment or share it on my Facebook page.