I'm happily continuing on my
Sketchbook Project. I really like the theme I ended up choosing: First Aid Kit for the Soul. Here are some more quotes that are filling my pages. The one below is probably still a work in progress, but it's a good example of the creative process.

I originally filled this page with little doodles made with my new metalic markers (same ones used on the above quote). Although the doodles themselves were nice, I didn't like the way they were spread out on the page. I didn't feel a flow in the design. So I really disliked this page. You can say I hated it. But, I love the fact that I was able to push through that block and keep on working with it. I whipped out my gesso and covered the parts I disliked. I then had some fun with my inks, spray inks, watercolor pencils and spray water to create interesting drip work. I think the piece is much bolder now. And the messy appearance really demonstrates the fact that it's not being "good" or looking good or perfect that makes us great. It's being real, whole and sometimes really messy. I love how it's coming out so far.